Mazda has yet to make a decision on the future of the Mazda MX-5, but it has made a promise

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Selling practically the same car for almost nine years (and counting) is a risky bet because it runs a high risk of becoming obsolete, but Mazda is a specialist in going against the grain… and that it turns out well: the Mazda MX-5 is the best example of it. Martijn ten Brink, CEO of the Japanese company in Europe, has spoken on the future of the two-seater: there is a Miata for a while, although we do not know in what way.

Mazda is making the most of the possibility of having a model as purist as the Mazda MX-5 and it does so updating the model with different novelties and the launch of (more) special series. This is how time passes, while the motor world awaits the arrival of the fifth generation: Martijn ten Brink has spoken about it in an interview with Coach on the occasion of the Brussels Motor Show.

The future of the Mazda MX-5

The trend that we have observed so far in the Mazda MX-5 ND does not seem to be changing: according to their statements, the fourth generation will continue to be updated. There is also good news because the Miata is not threatened with retirement due to emissions regulations or other legislation: “It would be fair to say that the MX-5 will never die. He will definitely continue to be part of the lineup.”

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We know the story continues, but in what way? This question has no answer, at least for now: “How do you stay true to the concept of what a vehicle stands for while adapting it to the next generation of technologies? That has not yet been decided. Everyone has an opinion on the direction it should go, so I’m really curious how it will end.”

With Euro 7 in mind

We know that Mazda will not change that original philosophy of the Mazda MX-5: the next generation will continue to have rear-wheel drive and an naturally aspirated gasoline engine. Any form of hybridization for the NE is likely to be too expensive due to the mechanical complexity involved. This bet would also imply a few extra kilos that could break the 50:50 balance of the Miata and that could also endanger the recipe for an affordable sports car Although prices have risen in recent years.

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To all this we must add another point: the Mazda MX-5 NE, in Europe, must comply with Euro 7, so the arrival of some type of electrification is taken for granted: a 48V microhybrid perhaps?

Ten years

In September 2022, spy photos captured a mule in which a slightly modified Mazda MX-5 ND could be seen: despite the camouflage, it seems that the front (headlights and grille) did not change and the rear bumper did, which seemed wider.

Despite this sighting, the production-ready model is unlikely to go on sale any time soon. Some time ago, Mazda assured that a ten-year life cycle for the Miata was not a problem: this would make 2024 a probable date to launch the new generation. The story continues, it only remains to be seen in what way.

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