This “hoverboard” uses an F1 wheel, and it couldn’t be more striking

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The truth is that we live in times in which personal mobility seems to be the main protagonist, especially if we refer to any news related to transport and the city. Secondly, the truth is that the private car seems to have started to regress in terms of popularity in favor of all kinds of more rational and sustainable alternatives: from bicycles to more efficient and intelligent public transport, including electrified inventions with one or two wheels. And for example, the invention that we bring you in this article.

The hoverboard They are something like small platforms with one or two wheels driven by a small electric motor powered by batteries that are recharged at home. In summary, a kind of electric scooter without handlebars, in which turning, acceleration and stopping are carried out with the body itself, using gyroscopes. They are therefore small, manageable and cheap, which has led many young people to be attracted to this mobility formula which, yes, seems to have been reserved to a greater extent for the playful terrain.

Speaking of having fun, one of the Youtube channels most popular in that of inventiveness and craftsmanship, The Qhas decided “be built“a hoverboard but giving it a more sporty touch, using it as the main piece a Formula 1 wheel. How will the invention have fared?

An F1-style hoverboard: genius or stupid?

The truth is that watching the video of The Q, the “operation” seems quite simple: the electronics and electrical components of a standard hoverboard are used and, after building a small metal structure, they are installed. As a climax, an F1 wheel that is placed in the middle of the invention to result in a kind of “unicycle” powered by electricity. which, thanks to the wheel and the red decoration, looks very striking.

In real life it seems that this hoverboard has more problems than advantages: Due to the size and dimensions of the competition tire, the truth is that the position to handle this invention is not as comfortable as that of a normal hoverboard. Its speed doesn’t seem very high either: the added weight of the set means that the small electric motor, sized for the conventional hoverboard, cannot drive with great speed.

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Of course, as a mobility tool to attract attention or to move around the pits of your reference circuit, the truth is that it has no rival…It remains to be seen how it will behave with intermediate tires!