Hybrid or not, Lamborghini’s new supercar will continue to have a V12 engine (+ video)

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We were saddened – and we are – with the arrival of the new Lamborghini Huracán Starrato, and not because it is a bad car or it seems to us an abomination, not at all; but because it is the last Lamborghini that will equip a mechanic without electrification. This leaves us with the fact that the successor to the Lamborghini Aventador, the car that concerns us today, will show off a hybrid engine, although it does not scare us too much. after discovering and listening to the V12 that will reside in its bowels.

And it is that after various test mules have been sighted, now a new one has been captured in the vicinity of Sant’Agata Bolognese. This, despite recovering “physical” features of the Aventador, shows the most important thing: the roar of the V12 and the confirmation that it will be hybridized.

Breathe easy, the replacement for the Aventador will continue to have an atmospheric V12

The first thing that stands out is that the test mule equips a quadruple exhaust outlet mounted one above the other. Although we understand that this is nothing more than a movement to play distraction and that the true exhaust outlet is the upper one, where we have already seen the -surely final- tails of the successor to the Aventador in the hands of other prototypes.

Be that as it may, the high point is that in this video the Italian supercar makes itself heard, making it clear that it not only has a V12 engine, but also that it is atmospheric. In addition, the gear changes that are intuited lead to the assumption that the firm of the bull has gotten rid of the single-clutch gearbox in favor of a double-clutch one.

To all this we must add a high voltage risk sticker located on the rear left side, alluding to the fact that we are dealing with a hybrid vehicle. In this way, the pairing between an electric motor and the V12 could result in a total power of 900 CV, a range that would allow the substitute for the Aventador to enter a field where hypercars settle.

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