At 412 Km/h in an electric car, Rimac emulates Bugatti taking the Nevera to the limit (+ Video)

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Sooner or later electric cars would begin to join the war for speed records and that time has come. The Rimac Nevera has just become the fastest electric car in the world, reaching 412 km/ha record that leaves far behind any other electric car that has tried it before and that shows that Rimac’s hypercar, a beast of almost 2,000 hp, has hit the streets to stand up to the best gasoline-powered cars.

Already making the first deliveries to customers, the Rimac factory in Croatia is working at full capacity to satisfy the 150 orders it has on the table. But while the Croatian factory gives life to all these Nevera units, different pre-production versions of the electric hypercar are dedicating themselves to participating in events and different tests.

And the last of these tests could not be more interesting, because Rimac has gone to the Automotive Testing Papenburg oval circuit in Germany to check the limit of the Nevera. Making use of a strict series configuration, but where the maximum speed limiter set at 352 km/h has been eliminated From the factory, the Rimac Nevera has been able to reach a top speed of 412 km/h. Being a really impressive figure, It is still far from the 490 km / h reached by the Bugatti Chiron Super Sporta speed record that has still been intact since 2019 and that will take a long time to be surpassed by an electric car.

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In the video that you have about this paragraph and that has been released by Mate Rimac himself, CEO of Bugatti-Rimac, we can also see the recording board speed test. The pilot Miroslav Zrnčević was in charge of taking the Refrigerator up to 412 Km/h, allowing us at the same time to see data as curious as that the record speed is obtained at a power well below the maximum (1,914 hp)the distribution of power between the four wheels or how the battery is discharged at such high speeds.