Converting historical denominations that are widely recognized by the general public into sub-brands is fashionable. More and more manufacturers want to take advantage of the […]
Category: Electric Cars
Yellow car, Spotto and yellow Vocho: does this expression ring a bell? The origin of the child’s game that was recently repopularized
In the time when no one would even think of putting mini televisions on the back of car seats to keep children entertained, children or […]
For 19,200 euros and with 574 liters of trunk, this SUV has the best price-space ratio
When we think of a large, spacious and comfortable car, we always end up reaching the same conclusion: we have to face a high outlay. […]
Porsche fixes the problem that slowed down the Porsche Taycan
Today, updates to car software are not a surprise: those that focus on hardware (physical components of the vehicle) are because they are not frequent. […]
These Spanish traffic signs are pioneers in the world
A RACE study, carried out a couple of years ago, revealed that, in our country, there were 599 accidents due to running over animals on […]
This brand wants to turn the windows into solar panels
The solar panels in cars is not something new. Starting in the 1990s, some manufacturers began to mount them on the panoramic roof with the […]
MG4 2023, test of the Chinese electric car bargain, it costs less than 20,000 euros!
The Government, the car manufacturers and even your brother-in-law, with a bravas tapa and from the bar, have sold you that the transition to electric […]