In flooded areas, never do what you will see in this video with your car

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Autumn has arrived, and with autumn comes the rains. Although we have had a year of low rainfall, we have already seen flooding in some areas, and we will see more flooding before both fall and winter end. Floods are dangerous, and especially so if we get caught in our vehicle. Sometimes, we will be tempted to cross a flooded area with our vehicle. As prevention is better than cure, take a look at what you should never do in flooded areas with your car, with this video as an example.

The video in question is part of a very long series of videos recorded at Rufford Ford, located in the United Kingdom. It is a floodable crossing – They exist in Spain, but they are very rare – which in periods of high rainfall reach a depth close to one meter. No car is designed for such wading capabilities, only some SUVs, especially the tuned ones. The reason is that if Water leaks into the intake of an engineimpossible to compress in an engine, we will have a huge mechanical paperweight on our hands.

The behavior of some spectators and the driver of the blue Defender is unfortunate and reprehensible.

And that is what happens in this video, with different drivers. If the water exceeds half of the vehicle’s wheel, we run the risk of our engine sucking water and seriously breaking down. If the water exceeds half a meter with ease Not only will we destroy the engine, but the car could float and be moved by the current. In this case there is no current, but in a flow of water with current, it could drag us with fatal consequences.

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And finally, if you see dozens of viewers with their mobile phones recording the area that you are going to cross – in search of likes, and bait – at least, think twice.