We complete this novelty of the DGT of which we have been talking to you in recent months and of which we know more and […]
Tag: license
Economical, versatile and you can drive it with a car license for only €2,399
Versatile, practical, economical and urban, 125 cc scooters stand as the true market leadersdriven by the rise of urban mobility by motorcycle and, why not […]
The DGT will “give you” two points from the license in 2023, for learning to consume less fuel and being an efficient driver
We often regret that a good part of the road safety strategies of the General Directorate of Traffic go through coercive measures, fines, and controls. […]
Can the car without a license, or electric microcar, be the solution to the urban mobility of the future?
In Spain there is a type of car that is usually called car without license, which its use has been spreading, as it is an […]
In 2023 the DGT will “give you” two points on the license if you are a driver or motorcyclist and all you have to do is pass a course
There are many of us who have been demanding for a long time that the General Directorate of Traffic ensure that the coercive and sanctioning […]