If you have bought or have been given one emergency light V16, probably, three years from now, it won’t serve you. The reason? From 2026 […]
Tag: light
The main sources of electrical energy with which humanity gets things like light or electric cars
We find electrical energy present in our daily lives in almost everything we do, from waking up in the morning with an alarm clock to […]
The DGT will only certify the V-16 light, which will be mandatory, with geolocation, what happens with the one we have already bought?
Today there are already many of us who carry a V-16 emergency light in our car, an emergency signaling solution that has been endorsed by […]
Hyundai goes all out, green light to Genesis and its rival for the Mercedes SL
At Hyundaiadi they go all out with their premium signature Genesis. Knowing that competing with brands like Mercedes, BMW or Audi is not an easy […]
The Jeep you won’t have to wait for has an ECO label, is a light hybrid and costs just over €24,000 or €170/month
In recent weeks we have been talking at length about one of the great launches of Jeep that has already been revealed and has started […]