Technology that saves lives: this is how the drowsiness detection system helps you not to fall asleep at the wheel

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When driving at night it is normal for many drivers to have short periods of micro sleep. This is a brief sleepy unconscious state which can happen even with the eyes open. This can become very dangerous when driving and to help warn about this state the warning system has been created. drowsiness detection.

The Drowsiness is a major cause of accident occurrence, and there are studies that show that loss of concentration is responsible for 25% of road accidents. here you will learn what is drowsiness detection system and some of its most relevant aspects.

What is the drowsiness detection system?

The drowsiness detection system is a computer application developed to check if the driver falls asleep. The system detects when the driver is falling asleep through video image processing and visual pattern recognition.

The system detects that the driver is falling asleep, through frequent yawning, prolonged closure of the eyelids and when it detects the subtended angle of the eyes reduced. The system configures the results of the reconnaissance unit to trigger an alarm.

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The visual pattern recognition unit’s software compares the video in real time and determines whether or not the driver was asleep. alarm unit issues the alarm according to the comparison result of the reconnaissance unit.

Sleepiness and fatigue index

Once he drowsiness detection system establishes that the driver drives with erratic movements and appears to be unaware, other factors may be taken into account. For example, the drowsiness detector could analyze car speed, time of day, weather conditionsetc.

Once you have done this, you can calculate the driver fatigue rate and start taking measurements. Generally, it emits an audible noise to alert the driver. Each manufacturer may fit a different model of drowsiness detection system in your car.

But usually, the driver will be alerted to your possible diversion by some sort of noise or vibration from the steering wheel or seat. Some systems can verbally remind the driver that they may be drowsy and that you should take a break as soon as it is safe to do so. This especially if you have been on the road for an extended period of time.

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Tips for using the drowsiness detection system

  • Drowsiness alerts have been designed to warn the driver that he is drowsy after he has started driving. But if you already feel sleepy at first, you shouldn’t get behind the wheel.
  • Choose a safe place to take a break. Some cars that have drowsiness detection system, can automatically inform you through the built-in GPS, the rest areas nearby.
  • On long trips, you should plan ahead for regular breaks to take a break. Doing this can reduce the risk of feeling drowsy behind the wheel. If you drive with other licensed drivers, consider shift driving.
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