Its name says it all, it is one of the most purchased accessories for motorcycles: the “slash remover” mirror.

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When riding a motorcycle, you have to be much more careful than if you are in a car, because if we come to see, the motorcyclist is exposed to much more dangers than the driver of a car. This is due to the fact that the motorcyclist is more unprotected and that is why the law is even more demanding when it comes to motorcycle mirrors or, as they are commonly called, fine remover mirror.

And it is not that there is a rear-view mirror that can remove a fine after having committed an infraction, but rather the fact that the law dictates that A motorcycle can only circulate if it has its two rear-view mirrors and they are positioned in the correct way.. Its correct use can save your life if you are a motorist. That’s why you’re going to learn here what is a rearview mirror remover and what you should know about how to wear it.

What is a rear-view mirror remover?

The rear-view mirror It is simply an approved rear-view mirror, which must be installed correctly on the motorcycle, in order not to receive a fine.. In Spain, the Royal Decree of December 23, 2822/1998, in its Annex III, indicates that the rear-view mirror is considered a device whose purpose is to allow greater rearward visibility.

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The mirror must also be positioned in such a way that it allows the motorist to look to the sides.

What other obligations does the regulation in Spain establish on the use of rear-view mirrors on motorcycles?

The existing legislation in Spain in this regard is quite clear and concise in the case of motorcycles and this indicates the obligation in the number, which will depend on the speed that the motorcycle can develop.

  • If the motorcycle can develop a speed greater than 100 kilometers per hour, it must carry both mirrors. Left and right.
  • If the motorcycle develops a speed of less than 100 kilometers per hour, it is legally mandatory that the left rear-view mirror be installed on the motorcycle, it being at the discretion and choice of the motorist to wear the right rear-view mirror or not.

The regulations on the use of mirrors also include three-wheeled mopeds, which include motorcycles with or without a sidecar, as well as any three-wheeled car and also quadricycles. Where the use of one or two mirrors will also depend on the maximum speed that they can develop.

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The left mirror and the mirror that goes inside is mandatory for any three-wheeled moped or quad that have a bodywork and are light, being able to have a cover or roof. In this case, the right mirror is for optional use.

In the event that it is a three-wheeled moped or quad, but it is not considered light and its size is larger than the previous ones, both the left and right rear-view mirrors must be used, as well as the interior rear-view mirror.

What features should the rearview mirror have?

The first thing to keep in mind is that the rearview mirror to be placed on a motorcycle, moped or quad must be approved to be valid. At the time of review, it must be in perfect condition.

Aspects such as size, resistance, viewing angle and type of casing are elements that must be taken into consideration in order to install them. It is also important to choose models that are manufactured for your car or motorcycle. It is not possible to install any type of mirror.

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