The motorists of the Civil Guard will launch in 2023 a tool that has nothing to do with fines

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The Civil Guard is one of the most respected and well-known bodies by Spanish citizens, especially its traffic section, in charge of managing and guaranteeing, as far as possible, a safe and pleasant circulation for the greatest possible number of drivers. With more than a century of history in the case of the Civil Guard and close to 65 years in the case of the Traffic Groupthe truth is that one of the most repeated demands by traffic agents in recent times is about to finally come true.

Surely many drivers associate the existence of the Traffic Group with fines, sanctions, radars or surprise controls. The truth is that -unfortunately- the most visual part of his work is precisely that, although they are by no means his only functions. In fact, surely if you think of the Civil Traffic Guard you also think of the large displacement motorcycles that they use to move on the road, and that can even have small mobile radars installed.

Well then, It is precisely the Traffic motorcyclists who are going to receive an answer to what is undoubtedly one of their great demands in recent times: in 2023 they will receive a new tool that, far from serving to fine, will in fact serve to save lives, their own. We are talking about vests with airbags, an innovation that despite having been on the market for some time, has not yet managed to establish itself as a widely extended security measure.

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The Traffic Group will receive vests with airbags for its motorists

The General Directorate of Traffic has put out to tender the tender for the contract through which about 3,600 safety vests with built-in airbags will be purchaseda measure that It will hit the streets later this year or early 2024. to all the traffic agents who use the large displacement motorcycles that we can see on a regular basis on the roads of our country.

The director of the DGT, Pere Navarro, has been one of the great defenders and promoters of this measure, working on it for several years now. It has not been until now when the measure has become a reality, but It represents a great step forward that, in addition, gives rise to a possible modification of the General Traffic Regulations that implies the mandatory imposition of this system for motorists in a reasonable period of time, thus joining the basic and mandatory equipment that all motorcyclists must carry and use every time they use their motorcycle.

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Operation of a vest-airbag

Vests with built-in airbags are one of the safety elements that have proven most effective in recent years. Its operation is based on the information collected by a series of sensors installed in the vest itself. (generally gyroscopes and accelerometers) so that when a fall is detected, a signal is sent to a control unit, also integrated into the garment, which gives the order to deploy the airbag.

This airbag inflates at the same speed as a conventional airbag like the ones we all carry in our cars, and its main function is to protect the soft areas of the rider’s chest and back, parts of the body in which 35% of motorcyclists killed and more than 25% of those hospitalized suffer significant injuries.

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